

Products (22)

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  • ZymoPURE II Plasmid Maxiprep Kits

    Zymo Research Corporation

    ZymoPURE II Plasmid Isolation kits provide the fastest and simplest method available to efficiently isolate transfection quality plasmid DNA from E. coli. The ZymoPURE Plasmid Maxiprep kit features a spin column-based method for the purification of up to 1.2 mg of high-quality plasmid DNA in...

  • ZymoPURE II Plasmid Midiprep Kits

    Zymo Research Corporation

    ZymoPURE II Plasmid Isolation kits provide the fastest and simplest method available to efficiently isolate transfection quality plasmid DNA from E. coli. The ZymoPURE Plasmid Midiprep kit features a spin column-based method for the purification of up to 400 µg of high-quality...

  • MagListo™ 5M Plasmid Extraction Kit

    MagListo™ 5M Plasmid Extraction Kit uses alkaline lysis method applied with Magnetic Nanobeads to efficiently extract plasmid DNA from cell-crushed products. Extraction Time: Mini prep (5min), Midi prep (10min), Maxi prep (15min). This kit can be adapted to use with automated systems, such as...

  • Buffer P1 (Red)

    Zymo Research Corporation

    Buffer P1 (Red)

  • High-Speed Plasmid Kits

    Fast and economical plasmid minipreps IBI’s High-Speed MINI Plasmid Kit is designed for rapid isolation of plasmid or cosmid DNA from 1-4ml of bacterial cultures. The modified alkaline lysis method and RNase treatment are used to create cleared cell lysate with minimal genomic DNA and RNA...

  • Quick-DNA Miniprep Plus Kit

    Zymo Research Corporation

    The Quick-DNA Plus Kits are the easiest method for high yield total DNA extraction (e.g., genomic, mitochondrial, viral) from any biological fluid, cell culture, or solid tissue sample. Innovative reagents and Zymo-Spin Technology allow for ultra-pure and concentrated genomic DNA > 50 kb to be...

  • Zyppy™ Plasmid Miniprep Kits

    Zymo Research Corporation

    The Zyppy Plasmid Miniprep Kit features a pellet-free modified alkaline lysis method that bypasses bacterial culture centrifugation and resuspension steps common to classical plasmid preparation procedures. Simply add the uniquely formulated 7X Lysis Buffer directly to your bacterial culture,...

  • MINI I-Blue Plasmid Kit

    The IBI Mini I-Blue plasmid isolation kits have been developed specifically to optimize the isolation of plasmid DNA from E. coli. These kits include the I-Blue lysis buffer which helps prevent common handling errors and ensure efficient cell lysis and SDS precipitation. Typical yields are 20-35µg...

  • ZymoPURE Plasmid Miniprep Kits

    Zymo Research Corporation

    The ZymoPURE Plasmid Miniprep Kit features a spin column-based method for the purification of up to 100 µg of ultra-pure endotoxin-free plasmid DNA in less than 15 minutes. The unique spin-column design also provides zero buffer retention and a low elution volume.

  • ZymoPURE Express Plasmid Midiprep Kit

    Zymo Research Corporation

    The ZymoPURE - Express Plasmid Midiprep Kit utilizes a patented alkaline lysis method for purifying up to 1.2 mg of high-quality endotoxin-free plasmid DNA directly from the culture without pelleting and resuspension steps. Just add the ZP Express Lysis Buffer directly to your bacterial culture,...

  • ZR Plasmid Miniprep™-Classic Kits

    Zymo Research Corporation

    The ZR Plasmid Miniprep-Classic is designed for efficient isolation of plasmid DNA from E. coli using a traditional 3-buffer (P1, P2, P3) procedure that is simple, rapid, user-friendly, and reliable. It features a modified alkaline lysis protocol together with a unique Zymo-Spin column to yield high...

  • Deep Blue Lysis Buffer

    Zymo Research Corporation

    Deep Blue Lysis Buffer

  • Fast-Ion Plasmid Kits

    IBI Scientific

    Ultra-pure and large-volume plasmid preparation IBI’s MIDI and MAXI Plasmid Kits use pre-packed, ion-exchange resin columns to purify plasmid or cosmid DNA from bacterial cultures. In this process, the modified alkaline lysis method and RNase treatment are used for creating cleared cell lysate...

  • Plasmid Wash Buffer (Concentrate)

    Zymo Research Corporation

    Plasmid Wash Buffer (Concentrate)

  • Zyppy-96 Plasmid Kit

    Zymo Research Corporation

    The Zyppy-96 Plasmid Miniprep is the fastest and simplest high-throughput method available for efficient isolation of plasmid DNA from E. coli. The kit features a modified, Pellet-Free alkaline lysis system that bypasses tedious centrifugation, pelleting, and re-suspension steps common to...

  • Buffer P3 (Yellow)

    Zymo Research Corporation

    Buffer P3 (Yellow)

  • Neutralization/Clearing Buffer

    Zymo Research Corporation

    Neutralization/Clearing Buffer

  • Zyppy Wash Buffer (Concentrate)

    Zymo Research Corporation

    Zyppy Wash Buffer (Concentrate)

  • ZymoPURE II™ Plasmid Gigaprep Kit

    Zymo Research Corporation

    ZymoPURE II Plasmid Isolation kits provide the fastest and simplest method available to efficiently isolate transfection quality plasmid DNA from E. coli. The ZymoPURE Plasmid Gigaprep kit features a spin column-based method for the purification of up to 10 mg of high-quality plasmid DNA in less...

  • Endo-Wash Buffer

    Zymo Research Corporation

    Endo-Wash Buffer

  • Zyppy Elution Buffer

    Zymo Research Corporation

    Zyppy Elution Buffer

  • Buffer P2 (Green)

    Zymo Research Corporation

    Buffer P2 (Green)

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