Magnetic Beads

Magnetic Beads

Products (5)

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  • 384-Well Post Magnet Plate

    Alpaqua Engineering

    Magnet plate designed for 384-well PCR plates. 96 strong post magnets reliably pull paramagnetic beads out of solution and to the side of the wells where they will not be disturbed by pipetting tips entering the wells. Robotic-friendly.

  • AmMag™ MR magnetic rack,1 pcs/unit

    GenScript AmMag™ MR magnetic separation rack enables mid-scale separation of magnetic beads. The rack is designed to separate GenScript’s paramagnetic beads from solutions contained in 15 mL or 50 mL tubes.

  • AmMag™ MR-mini magnetic rack,1 pcs/unit

    GenScript AmMag™ MR-mini magnetic separation rack enables small-scale separation of magnetic beads. The rack is designed to separate GenScript’s paramagnetic beads from solutions contained in 1.5 mL and 2 mL micro-centrifuge tubes. The magnetic field has been optimized for separation of tubes

  • MagPlate 24

    Alpaqua Engineering

    24-position ring magnet plate for large volume magnetic bead separations in 10 ml deep well plates. Includes patented Spring Cushion technology.

  • AmMag ™ Protein A Magnetic Beads,4ml

    GenScript AmMag™ Protein A Magnetic Beads are super paramagnetic beads with average diameter of 50 µm, covalently coated with alkali tolerant protein A. Protein A is a bacterial cell wall protein isolated from Staphylococcus aureus, which binds to mammalian IgG’s mainly through the...

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