Clinical Orthopedic - Physical Therapy Splints-Braces Upper Extremities

Clinical Orthopedic - Physical Therapy Splints-Braces Upper Extremities

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  • Tech-Med Finger Guards

    Dukal Corporation

    Plastic, full length guards that protects fingers.

  • Arm Fracture Splint

    Dukal Corporation

    The Dukal Corporation arm fracture splint is used by doctors, physicians and physiotherapists for the treatment of broken joints in the arms. Ambidextrous makes it easy for both left and right handed users and inline fiberglass support ensures good stability.

  • FUTURO™ Deluxe Wrist Stabilizer

    Palmar stabilizer allows for custom fit and support. Dorsal (top of hand) stabilizers for additional support. Easy-Sleeve design is easy to put on and take off. Three stabilizers and longer length on forearm for maximum support. Foam pad in palm for comfort. Adjustable three strap design for...

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