Plastic Cuvettes for Spectrophotometer

Plastic cuvettes for spectrophotometers are essential in modern laboratories for accurate optical measurements. These cuvettes, made from materials like polystyrene and quartz, are perfect for light absorption and emission applications.

Essential products in this category include square spectrophotometer cells designed for precise optical work, ensuring consistent results in spectrophotometry. Polystyrene fluorometry cuvettes are specialized for fluorescence measurements and can offer high clarity and minimal interference.

Although primarily for nuclear magnetic resonance, NMR tubes are also essential in certain optical studies. Semi-microcell experiments may require smaller sample volumes to enhance measurement accuracy and reduce lab waste.
Source lamps are also essential as they provide the light source needed for all forms of spectrophotometric analysis.

Each product, from micro quartz cuvettes to macro cells, is crafted to assist with the precise and efficient analysis of samples. Plastic cuvettes for spectrophotometers have varied designs and functions and are indispensable for accurate optical measurements in various applications.

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Spectrophotometer Cells/Cuvettes

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