Sequencing Template Amplification
Hard tissue homogenizing CK28
Bertin CorpHard tissue homogenizing CK28 - 2.8mm Zirconium oxide beads - 2mL pre filled tubes; Lysing kit for Precellys - CK28 Hard tissue - 2mL tubes 50 prep. The CK28 matrix is composed of 2.8mm Ceramic (zirconium oxide) beads recommended for hard tissues such as heart, muscle, skin, spinal cord, intestine,…
Hard tissue grinding MK28
Bertin CorpHard tissue grinding MK28 - 2.8mm metal beads - 2mL pre filled tubes Lysing kit for Precellys - MK28 Hard tissue kit - 2mL tubes 50 prep. The MK28 matrix is composed of 2.8mm Metal beads recommended for hard tissues such as muscle, skin, spinal cord, bone, teeth, hair but also for plant roots,…
Lysing Matrix A, Bulk
MP BiomedicalsLysing Matrix A is used for all sample types except soil for the subsequent isolation of genomic DNA. Garnet matrix and 1/4-inch ceramic sphere Impact resistant tubes Use for all sample types except soil Isolate genomic DNA, RNA, functional proteins and other metabolites and…
Empty 15mL tubes
Bertin CorpEmpty 15mLtubes and caps (qty 50)To be filled with beads in bulk for use on Precellys
Zymo-Seq RiboFree Total RNA Library Kit
Zymo Research CorporationHighlights Universal Depletion: Novel probe-free technology depletes rRNA from any organism. Simplest Library Prep: Simultaneous ligation of both adapters reduces hands-on processing. Automation Friendly: Streamlined protocol…
Micro-organism lysing CK01, 7mL
Bertin CorpMicro-organism lysing CK01, 7mL- 0.1mm Zirconium oxide beads-7mL pre filled tubes; Lysing kit for Precellys - CK01 Micro-organism kit - 7mL tubes 50 prep. The CK01 matrix is composed of 0.1mm ceramic (zirconium oxide) beads and is designed for micro-organisms lysing like gram- and gram+ bacteria…
Lysing Matrix SS, 50mL Tubes
MP BiomedicalsLysing Matrix SS contains one 1/4" stainless-steel grinding ball to break hard/brittle samples. Impact-resistant tube RNA extraction from difficult samples Lysis by impaction with minimal mechanical shearing Lysing Matrices are critical components of the FastPrep™…
Lysing Matrix C, 96-Well Racks
MP BiomedicalsLysing Matrix C is used primarily for lysis of yeast and fungi and can also be used for molds, spores and filamentous algae. 1mm silica spheres Each 96 deep well rack comes with 1.2 mL cluster-strip tube and cap assemblies Extraction of nucleic acids, proteins and other small…
Lysing Matrix Z, 96-Well Racks
MP BiomedicalsLysing Matrix Z is used primarily for lysis of animal and plant tissue, tougher stems, roots and seeds, and whole insects. Comes with 1.2mL cluster-strip tube and cap assemblies High density and extremely high hardness Smooth surface minimizes shearing Matrix Z is an…
Soft tissue homogenizing CK14, 0,5mL
Bertin CorpSoft tissue homogenizing CK14_0,5mL - 1.4mm - glass beads 0.5mL pre filled tubes; Lysing kit for Precellys - CK14 Soft tissue kit - 0.5mL tubes 50 prep. The CK14 is a ceramic (zirconium oxide) matrix composed of 1.4mm beads and is indicated in the homogenization of soft tissues such as liver,…
Lysing Matrix S, 2mL Tubes
MP BiomedicalsLysing Matrix S, 2 mL tubes have clear caps and contain six 1/8" (3.175 mm) diameter stainless steel beads. Used to grind hard animal and plant tissues, bones, seeds and hair. For use on FastPrep instruments or any bead beater.
CKMix WP Kit
Bertin CorpTissue homogenizing CKMix, WP - 1.4mm Zirconium oxide beads - pre filled 96 wells plate ; Lysing kit for Precellys - CKMix Tissue kit - 0.3mL tubes 96WP format. The kit is composed of 12 stripes of 8 tubes (0.3mL). The tubes are prefilled with the CKMix matrix which contains 1.4 and 2.8mm ceramic…
Bulk Ceramic 0.1mm beads, 400g
Bertin Corp0,1mm Zirconium oxide beads (450g per box) ; 0.1mm Zirconium oxide beads (450g) (qty 500). To be combined with Precellys empty tubes.
Hard tissue homogenizing CK28-R
Bertin CorpHard tissue homogenizing CK28-R - 2.8mm Zirconium oxide beads - 2mL pre filled Reinforced tubes ; Reinforced Lysing kit for Precellys - CK28-R Hard tissue - 2mL tubes 50 prep. The CK28 matrix is composed of 2.8mm Ceramic (zirconium oxide) beads recommended for hard tissues such as heart, muscle,…
Tissue grinding CKMix50-R
Bertin CorpTissue grinding CKMix50-R - Mix of 2.8mm and 5.0mm Zirconium oxide beads - 2mL pre filled Reinforced tubes ; Reinforced Lysing kit for Precellys - CKMix50-R Hard tissue kit -2mL tubes 50 prep. The CKMix50 matrix is composed of a dual ceramic (zirconium oxide) bead type of 2.8mm and 5.0mm in…
Soft tissue homogenizing CK14
Bertin CorpSoft tissue homogenizing CK14 - 1.4mm Zirconium oxide beads - 2mL pre filled tubes;Lysing kit for Precellys - CK 14 Soft tissue - 2mL 50 prep. The CK14 is a ceramic (zirconium oxide) matrix composed of 1.4mm beads and is indicated in the homogenization of soft tissues such as liver, kidney, brain,…
Hard tissue grinding MK28-R
Bertin CorpHard tissue grinding MK28-R 2.8mm metal beads - 2mL pre filled Reinforced tubes ; Reinforced Lysing kit for Precellys - MK28-R Hard tissue kit - 2mL tubes 50 prep. The MK28 matrix is composed of 2.8mm Metal beads recommended for hard tissues such as muscle, skin, spinal cord, bone, teeth, hair but…
Tissue homogenizing CK28, 7mL
Bertin CorpTissue homogenizing CK28, 7mL-2.8mm Zirconium oxide beads -7mL tubes ; Lysing kit for Precellys - CK28 Tissue kit - 7mL tubes 50 prep. The CK28 matrix is composed of 2.8mm Ceramic (zirconium oxide) beads recommended for hard tissues such as heart, muscle, skin, spinal cord, intestine, adipose…
Protein Safe Soft tissue homogenizing CK14
Bertin CorpProtein Safe Soft tissue homogenizing CK14- 1.4mm - 2mL pre filled tubes
Bulk Ceramic 1.4mm beads , 325g
Bertin Corp1.4mm Zirconium oxide beads (325g per box); Beads in bulk, containing 500g of 1.4mm Zirconium oxide beads (325g). To be combined with Precellys empty tubes.
Bacteria lysing CK01, 15mL
Bertin CorpBacteria lysing CK01, 15mL - 0.1mm Zirconium oxide beads - 15mL pre filled tubes ; Lysing kit for Precellys - CK01 Bacteria kit - 15mL tubes 25 prep. The CK01 matrix is composed of 0.1mm ceramic (zirconium oxide) beads and is designed for micro-organisms lysing like gram- and gram+ bacteria but…
Sample grinding GK60
Bertin CorpSample grinding GK60 - Mix of Garnet beads in 2mL pre filled Reinforced tubes ; Includes 50 preps of garnet flakes 0.7mm and one ceramic (Zirconium Oxide, Ceria stabilized) in 2mL reinforced tubes. GK60 is designed for wet or dry tissue grinding like liver, plants, or dry samples like rice and…
Tissue grinding CKMix50, 7mL
Bertin CorpTissue grinding CKMix50, 7mL -Mix of 2.8mm and 5.0mm Zirconium oxide beads - 7mL pre filled tubes; Lysing kit for Precellys - CKMix50 Hard Tissue kit - 7mL tubes 50 prep. The CKMix50 matrix is composed of a dual ceramic (zirconium oxide) bead type of 2.8mm and 5.0mm and is recommended for hard…
Bulk Steel Beads, 500g
Bertin Corp2.8mm Stainless steel beads (500g per box); Beads in bulk, containing 500g of 2.8mm diameter Stainless steel beads. To be combined with Precellys empty tubes.
Bulk Glass 0.1mm beads, 400g
Bertin Corp0.1mm Glass beads (400g per box); Beads in bulk containing 400g of 0.1mm diameter glass beads of 0.1mm.0.1mm glass beads are indicated for micro-organism lysing like gram-, gram+ bacteria, fungal spores and walls. To be combined with Precellys empty tubes.
Empty 2mL Reinforced Tubes
Bertin CorpEmpty 2mL Reinforced tubes and caps (qty 200); To be filled with beads in bulk for use on Precellys
Dry hard tissue grinding CK68-R
Bertin CorpDry hard tissue grinding CK68-R- 6.8 mm ceramic beads - 2mL pre filled Reinforced tubes; Reinforced Lysing kit for Precellys - CK68-R Dry Hard Tissue kit - 2mL tubes 50 prep. The CK68 matrix is composed of 6.8mm ceramic (zirconium oxide) bead recommended for hard tissues such as muscle, skin,…
Bulk Ceramic 5.0mm beads , 100g
Bertin Corp5,0mm Zirconium oxide beads (100 beads per box); 5.0mm Zirconium oxide beads (100 beads). To be combined with Precellys empty tubes.
Micro-organism lysing VKMix, 7mL
Bertin CorpMicro-organism lysing VKMix, 7mL -Mix of 1.4 and .05mm glass beads 7mL pre filled tubes; Lysing kit for Precellys - VKMix Micro-Organism kit - 7mL tubes 50 prep. The VKMix matrix is composed of 0.1mm and 0.5mm glass beads and is designed for micro-organisms lysing like gram- and gram+ bacteria but…
Bacteria lysing CK01
Bertin CorpBacteria lysing CK01 - 0.1mm ceramic beads - 2mL pre filled tubes ; Lysing kit for Precellys - CK01 Bacteria kit - 2mL tubes 50 prep. The CK01 matrix is composed of 0.1mm ceramic (zirconium oxide) beads and is designed for micro-organisms lysing like gram- and gram+ bacteria but also spores,…
Tough Micro-organism lysing VK05, 15mL
Bertin CorpTough Micro-organism lysing VK05, 15mL - 0.5mm glass beads - 15mL pre filled tubes ; Lysing kit for Precellys - VK05 Tough Micro-organism kit - 15mL tubes 25 prep. The VK05 matrix is composed of 0.5mm glass beads and is designed for tough micro-organism lysing like yeast, fungi, cyanobacteria,…
Tough micro-organism lysing VK05_0.5mL
Bertin CorpTough micro-organism lysing VK05_0.5mL - 0.5mm glass beads -0.5mL pre filled tubes ; Lysing kit for Precellys - VK05 Tough micro-organism kit - 0.5mL tubes 50 prep. The VK05 matrix is composed of 0.5mm glass beads and is designed for tough micro-organism lysing like yeast, fungi, cyanobacteria,…