Protein Purification

Laboratory Chemicals - Protein Expression - Proteins - Protein Purification

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Protein Purification

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  • Enzymatic lysis of gram-negative bacteria. Gram-negative bacteria are less susceptible than gram-positive bacteria to lysoyme and detergents. Enzymatic lysis of gram-negative bacteria requires the outer membrane to be permeabilized to expose the peptidoglycan layer to attack. The Bacillus…

  • G-Biosciences

    G-Biosciences offers pre-packed 5 ml Immobilized Amino Acids resin in a column format.  Immobilized Amino Acids are prepared by coupling amino acid to preactivated 6% cross-linked agarose. The covalent coupling to agarose (resin) is achieved by cross-linking the amino or sulfhydryl group…

  • Lysis buffer for extracting proteins from cells. 1X concentration Tris-HCl, pH 7.4 (50mM) NaCl (150mM) Triton X-100 (1%) EDTA (5mM)

  • G-Biosciences offers G-Trap™ Immobilized Amino Acids resin in a  pre-packed column format.  Immobilized Amino Acids are prepared by coupling amino acid to preactivated 6% cross-linked agarose. The covalent coupling to agarose (resin) is achieved by cross-linking the amino…

  • Lysis buffer for extracting proteins from cells. 1X concentration Tris-HCL, pH 7.4 (50mM) SDS (2%)

  • bioWORLD

    FOCUS™ Cytoplasmic/Nuclear Protein Extraction (Thomas No. C994C79) Fractionation method is based on gentle lysis of the sample followed by centrifugation to collect and separate nuclei from the rest of the cytoplasmic proteins. Kit contains reagents necessary for fractionation and…

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