Protein Electrophoresis

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Protein Electrophoresis

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  • Protein Loading Buffer (SDS-PAGE)-5X is a modified, 5X concentrated protein loading buffer containing bromophenol blue dye and SDS, but lacking DTT. It can be used for routine SDS-PAGE protein sample loading. Application Notes: Dilute to 1X with double distilled water or add to sample to…

  • Bis Tris gels are polyacrylamide gels designed to give optimal separation of small- to medium-sized proteins under denaturing conditions. The gels can be run using either MES SDS running buffer or MOPS SDS running buffer to obtain different separation ranges. Available buffers are: MES SDS…

  • MP Biomedicals

    Premixed liquid, 4X concentrate. Contains 250mM TRIS-HCl (pH6.8), 8% SDS, 40% glycerol, and 0.02% bromophenol blue. For protein sample preparation in the Laemmli SDS-PAGE system, without reducing the disulfide linkages.

  • Tris-Glycine SDS Running Buffer 5L Sachet, upon dissolution, will yield 5,000mL of pH 8.5 Tris-Glycine-SDS buffer suitable for Tris-Glycine Electrophoresis Gels. Dissolve the product in water, stir well and dilute with water to 5,000mL. pH value: 8.5 Working Volume: 5,000mL Storage: room…

  • The Quick Fluorescent Loading Buffer pre-stains a protein sample for SDS-PAGE. Protein samples are stained fluorescently during sample treatment prior to electrophoresis. Protein bands in an SDS-gel or on a membrane after transfer can be visualized and analyzed by a UV or LED transilluminator or a…

  • Tris-Glycine Running Buffer is formulated for the separation of proteins in their denatured or native state on Tris-Glycine gels. This product is available in powder form. Each pack can prepare 500 mL of a 1X working solution, for a total of 5 L. Application Notes: Dilute the packet in 500…

  • Premixed liquid, 10X concentrate. Contains 0.25M TRIS base, 1.92M Glycine, pH 8.5. Provides excellent separation of native large molecular weight proteins on TRIS-glycine polyacrylamide gels.

  • Ultra-Fast Running Buffer for SDS-PAGE (Powder) is used in combination with traditional Tris-Glycine SDS-PAGE protein gels to achieve rapid electrophoresis. Compared with traditional running buffers, Ultra-Fast Running Buffer significantly shortens electrophoresis times (~ 20 minutes at 250 V) and…

  • Tris-Glycine Running Buffer is formulated for the separation of proteins in their denatured or native state on Tris-Glycine gels. This product is available in powder form. Each pack can prepare 500 mL of a 1X working solution, for a total of 5 L. Application Notes: Dilute the packet in 500…

  • Protein Loading Buffer (Native-PAGE)-5X is a modified, 5X concentrated protein loading buffer containing bromophenol blue dye. It can be used to prepare protein samples for non-denaturing gel electrophoresis using native PAGE gels. Application Notes: Dilute to 1X with double distilled water…

  • Features   200mM MOPS (pH 7.0), 80mM Sodium acetate, 10mM EDTA

  • Fluorescent Protein Marker contains a total of 9 fluorescent proteins ranging from 14 kDa to 200 kDa. It is designed as a molecular weight standard for our Quick Fluorescent Protein Buffer, 08W00013 (SDS-PAGE)and 08W00014 (Native-PAGE), pre-stained protein samples, and other fluorescent protein…

  • ACT-IDMW24 (Thomas C995J98) ACTGene™ Prestained Protein Marker 12 protein 3 colors (10-245kDa) Size: 500 ul (sufficient for ~150 loads) Twelve protein three color pre-stained marker covering wide range of 10-245kD protein sizes. Conveniently delivered in ready-to-use…

  • Visualize Bands in 2 Minutes. All nUView precast gels incorporate a unique formulation allowing protein bands to be visualized in only 2 minutes in the presence of ultraviolet (UV) light. Simply place your gel over a 250-320 nm UV trans-illuminator and watch high-resolution bands appear in just 2…

  • The Quick Fluorescent Loading Buffer pre-stains a protein sample for Native-PAGE. Protein samples are stained fluorescently during sample treatment prior to electrophoresis. Protein bands in a Native-PAGE gel or on a membrane after transfer can be visualized and analyzed by a UV or LED…

  • Precast Gel Plus gels are an efficient and convenient scientific tool for separating peptides and small proteins with clear band resolution. Our precast polyacrylamide gels are suitable for both SDS-PAGE and Native-PAGE electrophoresis followed by gel staining or Western blotting. In addition, they…

  • RPI (Research Products International)

    Used in sample preparation and gel formation for polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Also used in casting gradient gels, as a protein stabilizer and storage buffer component.

  • MES SDS Buffer Kit is a complete kit to resolve small- to medium-sized proteins under denaturing conditions on Bis-Tris gels. Features MES SDS Buffer Kit includes MES SDS Running Buffer [20X], DTT [0.5 M,10X], Protein Antioxidant [200X] and LDS Sample Loading Buffer [4X] The kit is…

  • LDS Sample Loading Buffer [4X] is used to prepare protein samples for SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Features Alkaline pH (pH 8.4) for optimal conditions for denaturation and reduction of disulfide bonds 4X concentrated allows for larger sample loading It has Lithium…

  • Bis Tris gels are polyacrylamide gels designed to give optimal separation of small- to medium-sized proteins under denaturing conditions. The gels can be run using either MES SDS running buffer orMOPS SDS running bufferto obtain different separation ranges. Available buffers are: MES SDS…

  • RPI (Research Products International)

    Used in sample preparation and gel formation for polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Also used in casting gradient gels, as a protein stabilizer and storage buffer component.

  • MP Biomedicals

  • Afyon SDS-PAGE sample preparation kit for fast, easy concentration and purification of protein samples Afyon SDS-PAGE sample preparation kit is a fast, efficient way to concentrate protein samples and remove buffer components that may interfere with electrophoresis. In less than 10 minutes,…

  • G-Biosciences

    Features Synonym: TMEDA CAS#: 110-18-9 Molecular Formula: C6H16N2 Molecular Weight: 116.24

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