Lab UV Lamps

UV light lamps perform various functions in the lab, including essential analytical and sterilizing functions. Longwave or Ultraviolet (UVA) emits UV light from 315 - 400nm. UVA short and long wavelength lamps are for bacterial identification, staining, fluorescence photography, thin layer chromatography (TLC), food contamination identification, water testing, and other forensic applications. Medium-wave or Ultraviolet B (UVB) emits light in the 280 to 315nm range and is used for PCR products, quantifying DNA, and verifying results of all RNA.
The final option is Ultraviolet C or Shortwave UV light (UVC) lamps, which emit rays in the 100 to 280nm. They are commonly used to disinfect surfaces in labs and water and food-processing facilities and perform many other lab functions. UV lamps for laboratory are available at Thomas Scientific include Benchtop UV lamps, portable UV lamps, handheld curing UV lamps, UV bulbs, biosafety cabinet, UV viewing cabinets, and accessories. UV lamps always need to be used with caution, should be used transilluminator covers. Replace them immediately if they are discolored, degraded, or damaged.

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