Education, Advanced Physics

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  • United Scientific Supplies

    Precision apparatus for measuring Planck's Constant includes a mercury discharge lamp, vacuum photocell, set of mercury-line interference filters, and control unit. High quality amplifier yields results for h to better than 3%. This product has a 90 day lead time. Market standard for this type…

  • Perform Fresnel's Biprism Experiment on a 1m optical bench. Precision optics allow fringe position measurements to 1/100mm. Easy alignment and adjustment of the two virtual light sources. Fresnel's Biprism Experiment is the fundamental example of common path interference by division of…

  • United Scientific Supplies

    Display version of the Foucault 1851 experiment to demonstrate the Earth's rotation. The 57" high unit contains a maintained pendulum whose precession rate can also be used to calculate latitude or time. This product has a 90 day lead time. Market standard for this type of product.

  • United Scientific Supplies

    High precision interferometer with interchangeable optics for Michelson or Fabry-Perot setups. 200 MM precision geared lead screw for fine adjustment. This product has a 90 day lead time. Market standard for this type of product.

  • United Scientific Supplies

    The Hall Effect is the generation of a side-to-side voltage in a conductor or semiconductor carrying a current when it is placed in a magnetic field. The effect is widely used in magnetic field sensors. It is associated with several well-known systematic errors, some of which can be eliminated by…

  • United Scientific Supplies

    Set of equipment for studying the photo-emission of a mixed alkali photocathode. Precise , stable illumination and bias control for excellent results. This product has a 90 day lead time. Market standard for this type of product.

  • United Scientific Supplies

    Reliable and dramatic demonstration of the magnetic force between two current-carrying parallel conductors. Safely applies a large current to two pivoting brass tubes. Fuse protected. This product has a 90 day lead time. Market standard for this type of product.

  • The Force Table is a great tool for teaching composition and addition of vectors, and it provides a platform for additional forces. It can be used to study the following: the concept of force, the direction of a force, the equilibrium of a material point, the intensity of different forces, the Rule…

  • United Scientific Supplies

    Surface Plasmon Resonance is an analytical technique used for detecting and tracking a wide variety of surface processes such as DNA and protein interactions, drug mechanisms, immunoassays, anodic stripping, corrosion, gas detection, and many more. Demonstrate the principles of SPR analysis…

  • United Scientific Supplies

    Set of equipment for studying the Zeeman Effect in the mercury green line at 545.1 nm. Includes a 1.0T electromagnet that allows longitudinal or transverse viewing, a mercury lamp, interference filter and lens, a 2.0MM gap Fabry-Perot etalon, a CCD camera and capture card, and evaluation software. …

  • United Scientific Supplies

    The Franck-Hertz Apparatus II is an improved model of the well-known Franck-Hertz Apparatus (FHA001), featuring updated electronics with better stabilization and digital readouts for voltage and current (more robust, easier to read correctly). New fully shielded coax cables reduce electrical noise.…

  • United Scientific Supplies

    This apparatus allows the thermal behavior of a resistor, thermistor, and thermocouple to be studied, as well as a closed loop control system. This product has a 90 day lead time. Market standard for this type of product.

  • United Scientific Supplies

    Set of equipment for studying the nuclear magnetic resonance of protons in hydrogen and fluorine and measuring the gyromagnetic ratio, Lande factor, and nuclear magnetic moment of these nuclei. Includes permanent magnet, oscillator, frequency counter, and power supply. Requires an oscilloscope. …

  • United Scientific Supplies

    Unique small scale version of the famous cavendish experiment to verify Newton's Law of Gravity and measure the Universal Gravitational Constant, G. This unit is remarkable for measuring the tiny value of G by simple, easily-understood means. This product has a 90 day lead time. Market…

  • United Scientific Supplies

    The Phase and Group Velocity Apparatus (oscilloscope not included) uses sound waves in the ultasonic region to clearly illustrate and distinguish the often poorly understood phase and group velocity concepts. It permits precise measurements of the velocity of sound in up to three different liquids…

  • United Scientific Supplies

    The Ultrasonic Grating Apparatus is both a unique demonstration of the interaction of longitudinal sound waves and transverse light waves and also a method for the precise determination of the speed of sound in liquids, which is otherwise difficult to do in the undergraduate lab. The core of the…

  • United Scientific Supplies

    Comprehensive set of equipment with built in He-Ne laser. Top quality optical glass components allow over 75 experiments in geometric and physical optics. This product has a 90 day lead time. Market standard for this type of product.

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