cDNA & Cloning
500 loads Easy reference select bolded bands 100 bp and 1 kb marker choices Fragments with bolded intensity for easy viewing Ready-to-use format Idea for agarose gel electrophoresis, Northern, and Southern applications
dNTP mixture 40mM (10mM of each) 1x500µl/vial Storage Condition: -20ºC constant temperature freezer. Purity: Each dNTP is >99% chromatographically pure. Free of DNase, RNase, Protease, or Phosphatase activities. Application: For direct in-vitro synthesis of DNA…
Choice-Taq™ DNA Polymerase is a recombinant Taq DNA polymerase Choice-Taq™ is supplied with a 10x NH4 Reaction buffer containing 1.5mM MgCI2 (final concentration)
dNTP set dA, dG, dC, & dT 100mM 4x4x250µl/vial Storage Condition: -20ºC constant temperature freezer. Purity: Each dNTP is >99% chromatographically pure. Free of DNase, RNase, Protease, or Phosphatase activities. Application: For direct in-vitro synthesis…
Real Time PCR mastermix 2X (No ROX)
Denville100 rxn, 1ml Real Time PCR mastermix 2X (No ROX) optimized ready-to-use mastermix containing unique reaction buffer, dNTP, Hot-Start Taq DNA polymerase, and QPCR dye
Choice-Taq™ DNA Polymerase is a recombinant Taq DNA polymerase Choice-Taq™ is supplied with a 10x NH4 Reaction buffer containing 1.5mM MgCI2 (final concentration)
dNTP mixture 100mM (25mM of each) 4x500µl/vial Storage Condition: -20ºC constant temperature freezer. Purity: Each dNTP is >99% chromatographically pure. Free of DNase, RNase, Protease, or Phosphatase activities. Application: For direct in-vitro synthesis of…
200 loads Easy reference select bolded bands 100 bp and 1 kb marker choices Fragments with bolded intensity for easy viewing Ready-to-use format Idea for agarose gel electrophoresis, Northern, and Southern applications
200 loads easy reference select bolded bands 100 bp and 1 kb marker choices Fragments with bolded intensity for easy viewing Ready-to-use format Idea for agarose gel electrophoresis, Northern, and Southern applications
dNTP set dA, dG, dC, & dT 100mM 4x250ul/vial Storage Condition: -20ºC constant temperature freezer. Purity: Each dNTP is >99% chromatographically pure. Free of DNase, RNase, Protease, or Phosphatase activities. Application: For direct in-vitro synthesis of DNA or…
BigPrep™ Lysing Matrix E, 50 mL tube, 100 Tubes
MP BiomedicalsLysing Matrix E 50 mL Tube contains 1.4 ceramic spheres, 0.1 mm silica spheres and 25, 4 mm glass beads. Will not bind nucleic acids. Ideal for use on FastPrep Instruments and any other homogenizer, grinder or bead-beating device.